
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting by Chris Columbus

Columbus, Chris. Adventures in Babysitting. Buena Vista Pictures, 1987. PG-13. 102 min. ASIN: 6305428050


Chris Parker, a senior in high school, ends up babysitting Brad and Sara Anderson for the night after her date stands her up. The neighbor, Darryl, who is very rambunctious young man is at the house as well. Chris receives a phone call from her friend Sara who is stuck in a bus station in the city. She has nowhere to go and is afraid since they are from suburbia. Chris can not leave the kids alone so she takes them on a ride to pick up Sara. There journey from suburbia to the city is more dramatic and eventful than what she had hoped for. A night full of adventure and danger is ahead of Chris, Brad, Sara, and Darryl. Hanging from skyscrapers, being chased by the mafia, and meeting Thor. Chris is one tough babysitter but can she handle all of it?

Critical Evaluation

A great 80s classic that brings laughter to both adults and children since they are able to identify with the characters. Some of the scenes are cheezy but for the most part it is a very entertaining comedic movie.

Reader's Annotation

Chris Parker finds herself babysitting, two teenage boys and one twelve year old girl. but she gets more than what she bargained for. A night being chased by gangsters, an injured boy, a broken down car, and if that isn't enough she has to get the kids back before their parents find out.

Information about the Author

Adventures in Babysitting was Columbus' first director debut, which lead to many other popula 80s classic films.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Discuss some of the trouble that Chris gets involved in.

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

My sister recommended this film to me.

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