
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Monster Squad by Fred Dekker

Dekker, Fred. The Monster Squad. Lions Gate, 1987. PG 13. DVD. 82 min. ASIN B000Q6GUKM


"WerewoldAndre and his friends, Horace, Rudy, Patrick and Eugene, are a club of horror movie fans named The Monster Squad. When strange things, like a mummy disappearing from the museum, occurs they begin to put pieces together. They soon discover that Count Dracula and his goons are out to take over the world. Dracula summons his army of darkness, Wolfman, Mummy, Frankenstein, and Gillman to find an amulet that will allow him to control the world. Werewolf is a real man that does not want anything to do with it but is drugged by Dracula to work for him when he is human for when he is a werewolf he would listen to his every command. Dracula tells Frankenstein to find the young boys and destroy them but ends up befriending them, especially Andres little sister, Phoebe. The Monster take matters into their own hands since they are the experts. It is up to them to save the world from the forces of darkness.

Critical Evaluation

Classic hilarious lines and monsters create this movie masterpiece. The graphics are not that great, but its the 80s, it does not matter. The Monster Squad are similar to the Ghostbusters but without all the gooey stuff and with younger characters. The Monster Squad consist of five 13 year old boys who are your average prepubescent boys who are into girls, comics, and horror movies. This is not your real horror movie since it is a childrens movie their is less gore and less chills but classic monsters and great scenes, like when Dracula's face burns when Horace "Fat Kid" puts a slice of pizza on his face (it has garlic.) The Monster Squad takes their knowledge of monsters to keep the world safe for another day, so watching horror movies does pay off.

Reader's Annotation

Dracula, Mummy, Werewolf, Frankenstein, and Swamp Thing are trying to take over the world! Who do you call...The Monster Squad!

Information about the Author

Dekker worked has worked on a large variety of different film genres. Collaborated with his classmate Shane Black, who is now a screenwriter. The Monster Squad is now seen as cult classic film.



Curriculum Ties


Booktalking Ideas

1) Discuss classic monsters

a) Are they still seen as scary?

2) What new monsters are there now?

Reading Level/Interest Age

PG 13

Why included in selection?

The lines and characters in this movie are memorable.

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