
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Gate by Tibor Takács

Takacs, Tibor. The Gate. Lions Gate, 1987. PG-13. 85 min. ASIN: B002I41KNC.


Glen and his sister, Alexandra, parents leave for the weekend leaving Alexandra in charge. Glen and his best fried, Terry, accidentally open a gate to hell when a rotten tree is removed from the backyard of Glen's house. When his dog dies his sisters friend was supposed to take the dog to the shelter but he buries the animal in the backyard hole instead. Demons from an ancient civilization are released, seeking for two human sacrifices to dominate the world. Glen, Al and Terry, who are spending the weekend alone in the house, fight to save their lives and close the hole.

Critical Evaluation

A great horror movie that seems like it would not be meant for children but it kind of is since it does not have any really gory scenes, violence, or nudity like other horror films from the 80s. It has become an occult classic with horror movie fans due to its graphics and plot, which are classics.

Reader's Annotation

Glen, Terry, and Al find a portal to hell in their backyard there night becomes filled with minions, zombies, and other creatures that go bump in the night. Will they be able to close the gate before Glen and Al's parents come home or will they not be able to survive the night?

Information about the Author

Takacs did not expect The Gate to be horror cult classic but he is very proud of his work.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Discuss about the many horrific events that happen to the kids
a) what would they do in their situation

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

I saw this movie when I was 11 and it started my love for horror films.

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