
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Big by Penny Marshall

Marshall, Penny. Big. 20th Century Fox, 1998. PG. DVD. 104 Min. ASIN B00000K3C


A young boy, Josh Baskin, makes a wish from an old fortune telling machine to be big after being rejected from a carnival ride while he was with a girl that he liked. When he wakes up the next morning he is very surprised and shocked to find out that he really is big, grown up. Josh now looks like a 30 year old man, but still behaves like a twelve years boy. He must leave home since he is no longer recognizable by his mother. He decide to go to New York with his best friend, Billy to find the machine that can fix his wish since the carnival has left his town. While in New York he decides that he must get a job in order to survive. He lands a job in a toy company and develop a relationship with his co-worker, Susan. Josh has to learn to be an adult but is not sure if that is what he really wants.

Critical Evaluation

Big brings the kid back in everybody's hearts. Josh teaches that growing up is not as fun as it is being a kid. There are no worries and no working routing when one is still young. Josh inspires all those he interacts with to loosen and enjoy acting like a kid every once in a while. This movie also teaches the younger audience that even though they may want to be grown up it is better to take life as it is.

Reader's Annotation

After Josh Baskin wish of becoming older comes true he has to learn to lean to grow up...quickly!

Information about the Author

Penny was an actress before becoming a director. Won an award for her film A League of The i Own. Was the fist female director to gross over $100 million with Big.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Talk about how Josh feeling of wanting to grow up and discuss whether they feel like that too.

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

I thought that many children will relate to Joshs' character.

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