
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good Burger by Brian Robbins

Robbins, Brian. Good Burger. Paramount, 1997. PG. DVD. 103 min. ASIN B00008OM8S


Dexter Reed, a teenage boy, is forced to get a summer job after causing a car accident with his teacher, Mr. Wheat. Dexter must pay off his teacher's car so he finds a job working at a fast food restaurant called Good Burger. While working at Good Burger he meets interesting characters, especially Ed. Ed is also a teenage boy but is completely misunderstood by everybody. Dexter befriends Ed after realizing that Ed is not as annoying and dumb as he thought he was. Meanwhile, things turn worse when Mondo Burger, a fast-food chain restaurant opens up across the street stealing business away from the small independent Good Burger. Now it is up to Dexter and his new friend Ed to save Good Burger from closing. Ed develops a delicious special secret sauce that brings hundreds of new customers to their door and makes their new competition desperate to steal the recipe and all of their customers leading to many complicated situations, including a trip to the insane asylum.

Critical Evaluation

A funny heart warming movie that teaches about loyalty and friendships. When Dexter first meets Ed he thinks that he is very annoying and not to bright. When he becomes closer with him, he realizes that Ed has no friends and feels very alone. Dexter befriends after he spends more time with him and establishing that he is not as annoying but a fun guy to be around with. The movie is a slap stick comedy that is filled with many situations that can be avoided but are not which is annoying to the viewer but still comedic. When watching Good Burger one must have the mind set of a child to find it funny if not then it will just be annoying.

Reader's Annotation

Dexter meets Ed while working at Goodburger, an independent burger restaurant. Dexter and Ed, the two most unlikeliest of friends, have to come together to fight against the evil doers, Mondo Burger, to save Goodburger.

Information about the Author

Robbins first appeared on the screen but decided to work behind the scences in the early 90s. Some of his most famous works include Varsity Blues, Big Fat Liar, Norbit, and many others. His movies are geared towards a younger audience.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Have discussion about an annoying person in their lives and the relation between that person and Ed.

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

The lines in this movie are memorable.

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