
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hook by Steven Spielberg

Spielberg, Steven. Hook. Sony Pictures, 1991. PG. DVD. 144 min. ASIN 0767836324


Peter Pan, now Peter Banning, has grown up to be a successful business lawyer, and is married to Wendy's granddaughter, Moira. They have two children together Jack and Maggie who he does not have a lot of time to spend with them since he is always busy working. Captain Hook kidnaps his children so Peter must return to Never Land to save them. Peter returns to Never Land but does not remember anything about it. Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys remember everything about Peter but Peter struggles to be a Lost Boy again. He does not remember how to be a child or to have an imagination, he grew up. With the help of Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys, he must remember how to be Peter Pan again in order to save his children from the notorious Captain Hook.

Critical Evaluation

Hook takes Peter Pan into a different time frame and a set of mind. Spielberg takes Peter Pan out of Never Land and into our world where people have to grow up and our lost in their apathetic jobs. In other words he remover the boy out of Peter Pan. This movie causes adults to become aware that their are more important things than working, there are family and friends. The costumes are great and the acting is on point with the characters. Spielberg has created a memorable movie that takes a different spin on the classic Peter Pan, a more in depth evaluation.

Reader's Annotation

Peter Pan grows up and returns to Never Never Land to rescue his children who have been kidnapped by Captain Hook. One big problem...he has forgotten his childhood.

Information about the Author

Spielberg has directed and produced many award winning and nominated films, and is a renowned director. Spielberg was inspired to direct Hook due to his mother reading Peter and Wendy as a bedtime story. The movie had mixed reviews but ultimately did well in the box office. Spielberg admits to being disappointed with the final outcome.



Curriculum Ties


Booktalking Ideas

1) Talk about Peter Pan, Lost Boys, Never Never Land

2) Discussion of why they think it will be hard for Peter to be a child

3) Discuss whether they would like to be a Lost boy in Never Never Laned

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

A great story about childhood.

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