
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Simpsons Movie by David Silverman

Silverman, David. The Simpsons Movie. 20th Century Fox, 2007. DVD. PG 13. 87 minutes. ASIN B000WGYMGK


"EEEPA!" The town of Springfield has a pollution problem while the Simpsons have a bigger, fatter, problem of their own, Homer. When the town realizes that their lake is polluted they put out a warning to everyone advising not to dump anything in the water. Homer finds a new friend in a pig, Spidy Pig. Homer throws all of his pigs waste into a container that he made. When Marge tells him to get rid of the horrific thing and its smell he takes it to the lake. Soon, everyone finds out what happened but the major problem is that the government becomes involved and puts a glass dome over Springfield so no one can get out. The people of Springfield become outraged and when they find out that it is Homer's fault they want to kill him and his family. Homer's family is very disappointed in him, especially Lisa, since she is an environmentalist. When Maggie is in her sandbox they find a portal that leads them to the other side of the dome. They all jump in before they are killed by the town and the hole begins to suck down everything around them. A manhunt for the Simpson family begins and they must stay undercover. Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie are all upset with Homer and tell him to leave. Homer leaves his beloved family and realizes that what he did was wrong but wants to make it up to his family and his friends in Springfield. Many adventures and mishaps happen to the Simpsons but they eventually return to Springfield only to discover that the entire town is going to be blown up. Homer saves the day by driving a motorcycle up the dome and throwing the bomb out. Springfield realizes that they should take care of their environment more and Homer realizes how much he loves his family and how selfish he was.
Critical Evaluation

Told in true Simpson fashion this movies teaches the public that the environment is in danger and it is up to people to change it. The movie is fairly short and expected their to be more laughs but overall the movie is similar to watching three Simpsons episodes at once. All of the old characters are brought back for the movie in subtle ways that only life time fans would figure out.

Reader's Annotation

After Homer Simpson dumps a waste into Springfields lake the town becomes enclosed by a large glass dome where they will be destroyed. The Simpson Family finds an escape but want to return to save the community, will they make it in time?

Information about the Author

Silverman worked on The Simpson show when it first started. He came back to work on the movie which he had always wanted to do.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Discussion about the environment and how we can help

Reading Level/Interest Age

PG 13

Challenge Issues and Defense

Bart's nude scene stirred up controversy.


Defense: Nominated for several award and won two, National Movie Award for Best Animation and Kids Vote.

Why included in selection?

One of my students recommended it.

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