
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

White, E.B. Charlotte's Web. HarperCollins :2001. ISBN: 0064410935.


Wilbur, a pig, was born a runt and was going to be killed but Fern, the farmers daughter begs him not to. Fern develops a relationship with Wilbur, who she treats as her pet. Eventually, Wilbur is sold to her Uncle Homer Zuckerman. Fern tries to visit Wilbur as much as possible but Wilbur begins to feel lonesome. He begins to discover his surrounding and makes new friends but is quickly saddened when a sheep informs him that he is going to be slaughtered for Christmas. Wilbur discovers a friend in Charlotte, a spider, who wants to help Wilbur. Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web, such as “Some Pig.” Everyone is amazed by the writing and works out to his benefit. Wilbur forms bonds with many animals on the farm and even the farmer.

Critical Evaluation

This childrens' causes children to value all animals life and may lead to one thinking about vegetarian. Wilbur is a pig who is afraid to die and his death only purpose would be for food. It is a fun book to read because it opens up the imagination of animals having feelings, thoughts, and friendships. It is well written for this age group since the vocabulary is not very extensive and creates a bond with animals.

Reader's Annotation

Wilbur, a young pig, befriends a young girl named Fern but when he is moved to her Uncles Zuckerman's Farm their relationship is not as strong. While at the farm Wilbur discovers that he might be slaughtered for a Christmas dinner and turns to Charlotte, a spider, for help, which she does but in the strangest and extraordinary way.

Information about the Author

In real life, White had tried to save a pig but failed. A few years before Charlotte's Web, White wrote an essay about caring for a dying pig at his farm.



Curriculum Ties


Booktalking Ideas

1) Ask if they have ever had a close relationship with an animal

2) Read excerpt when Wilbur discovers that he might be killed

3) If they were Charlotte, what would they write about Wilbur

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

I remember reading this book when I was in 6th grade, it was one of my favorites.

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