
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass

Mass, Wendy. Every Soul A Star. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers: 2009. ISBN: 0316002577.


Ally, Bree and Jack are young teens living in different parts of the country who have nothing in common but meet at the Moon Shadow campground to witness a solar eclipse. Ally is a "nerd" for astronomy and is excited about the occurance of the solar eclipse. Bree is your average teenage girl, beautiful and popular who wants to be a model, but feels that she is adopted since everyone in her family are nerds and she is not. Jack is a chubby teenage boy who does not have a lot of friend and is into science fiction. Ally’s parents own Moon Shadow, but Bree’s have signed a lease to become its caretakers for the next three years. Bree is devestated that her parents are forcing her to move to a town far away from the city and her friends. Ally is upset that her parents sold the campground without telling her and now has to move to a city she remembers nothing of. Jack goes to the Moon Shadow because his science teacher offers him a deal, if he helps him out with a science project he won’t have to do summer school for science. Ally, Bree, and Jack come together to view a solar eclipse but what occurs is something more important than and eclipse.

Critical Evaluation

The novel is at first confusing since each character gets their own chapter and describing their point of view rather than one straight through story. It is told differently but it creates a memorable novel since all of its main characters are developed. The reader is able to identify with all of its characters. Bree at first seems to be a very annoying characters but as the story continues it turns out that she really has human qualities. Jacks character is lovable from the beginning since he is very quite and nerdish. Allys character is also well liked. All three characters grow up before the event happens and discovers things about themselves and each other they did not know about. It is a coming of age story that occurs though an unexpected meeting of unlikely characters.

Reader's Annotation

A solar eclipse is beautiful and majestic but for Ally, Jack, and Bree it is something that they will never or want to forget. Ally, Jack, and Bree have nothing in common but this event creates an unbreakable bond.

Information about the Author

Wendy was inspired to write Every Soul a Star after walking through a book store one day, and noticed a magazine with a picture of a recent solar eclipse on the cover. By the time she finished reading one or two of the articles, she had her idea.



Curriculum Ties


Booktalking Ideas

1) Discussion on

Reading Level/Interest Age

Gr. 5 -8

Why included in selection?

The librarian I volunteer with told me that the 7th graders enjoyed reading this book.

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