
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Incredibles by Brad Bird

Bird, Brad. The Incredibles. Walt Disney, 2005. PG. DVD. 115 min. ASIN B00005JN4W


Mr. Incredible was a superhero until a lawsuits against superheroes began to be submitted by the people they saved forcing the government to hide them in witness protection programs so they could lead normal lives. Now known exclusively by Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. Bob works as an insurance claims specialist and is tired of his day to day routine with his pushy boss and a profession that has no real value. Helen has very hard to build her normal life that she no longer wants to live the life of superheroes. Mr. Incredible is given an opportunity to return to a duty for superheroes he becomes overwhelmed with joy. He is offered the chance to be a hero again by an unknown informant and accepts it. It turns out to be a trap set by an old nemesis he had a hand in corrupting, the whole family must reveal themselves to save Mr. Incredible and countless innocents.

Critical Evaluation

This is a Disney movie that has many underlying tones and meanings that many children will not notice, even some adults. The underlying theme of the movie is about ostracizing members of society and how it is wrong to do so. This can apply to many things, such as, racism, homophobia, etc. This undertone is not well realized but is still there. Besides that, the movie is an attention grabber due to his comics situations, characters, and lines.

Reader's Annotation

The Incredibles seem like a normal family but they are far from it, they are superheroes! They must be band together to save the world.

Information about the Author

The Incredibles was originally developed as a traditionally animated film for Warner Bros., but after the studio shut down its division for fully animated theatrical features, Bird took the story with him to Pixar, where he reunited with John Lassater.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Discuss the powers that each of the characters have

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

I think the teenage girl can relate to other kids her age.

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