
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sleepover by Joe Nussbaum

Nussbaum, Joe. Sleepover. MGM, 2004. PG. DVD. 89 min. ASIN B00062IVN0


Julie has the last slumber party before freshman year of high school for her best friends, Hannah, Yancy, and Farrah. Hannah, will soon movie to a different city so this will be their last night they will all be together, which is night full of adventure. The girls want to start their freshman year right so they make a deal with the popular girls. To win the high school lunch spot by the fountains, they have to win a all-night scavenger hunt against their popular girl rivals. In order to win they sneak into clubs, steal Farrah's dads smart car, break into houses to steal a boys underwear! This sleepover is anything bud ordinary but a night filled with excitement that the girls will always remember.

Critical Evaluation

The story plot line is a little ridiculous but very entertaining. The teen girls want to fit in like most girls do and are willing to do anything for it. When they do win they realize that sitting at the table was not as what they expected. They enjoyed there last night all together but the outcome was not as exciting as the actual hunt. Tweens and teens will enjoy watching this film because many will relate to the feeling of wanting to be popular and that transition that one feel from junior high to high school.

Reader's Annotation

Four best friends, desperate to improve their social status in high school, enter into an all-night scavenger hunt against the popular girls.

Information about the Author
Sleepover was Nussbaum first teen movie which he thought was a fun genre. He believed that the script was really strong, he liked the way it had a nice mix of heart and comedy.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Discuss why Alex and her friends want to be popular

a) Ask if it is worth it?

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

I thought this movie was entertaining and the ages of the characters are tweens.

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