
Elisa Reynaga
Tween Materials Research Project
Libr 264-10
Beth Wrenn-Estes
4 December 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Drop Dead Fred by Ate de Jong

De Jong, Ate. Drop Dead Fred. Lions Gate, 1991. PG 13. 103 min. ASIN B00009NHAG


Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cronin fiancee leaves her and she loses her job, her life has gone down hill. She moves back in with her overbearing mother who treats her like an incompetent child. Drop Dead Fred was her childhood imaginary friend but her mother made her forget about him through drugs. Now that Lizzie is in a crisis Drop Dead Freed comes back to help her out but makes things harder for her. Fred is just trying to make light of situations that adults take too seriously. Fred is trying to help Lizzie find herself again but she is trying to get rid of him.

Critical Evaluation

Fred character is seen as the anti-hero because he is trying to help Lizzie but at the same time makes matters worse for her. He wants to make Lizzie happy again and to bring back that brave kid that she once was. Lizzie realizes that Fred really was a good friend to her and only wanted her to be happy with who she was.

Reader's Annotation

Elizabeth childhood best friend, Fred, comes back but the only problem is, he's imaginary. Drop Dead Fred wants to make Elizabeth happy again but she feels he is making things more difficult...but fun.

Information about the Author

Worked as both a print journalist and on the radio prior to getting his first film, job driving a prop van.



Booktalking Ideas

1) Discussion about imaginary friends

Reading Level/Interest Age


Why included in selection?

A funny movie that I enjoyed when I was 12.

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